Technical Equipment Hire

Analog Way Pulse 2 PLS350-3G Switcher & Preview Rack
This rack is custom built and comes complete with an Analogue Way Pulse 2 - PLS350-3G and two 8" Blackmagic preview screens.
The Pulse 2 PLS350-3G Hi-Resolution Mixer Seamless Switcher from Analog Way is a versatile, high-quality A/V presentation mixer/switcher that offers up to 8 inputs and can display up to two live sources.
Compatible signals include DVI-D, HDMI, Universal Analog, 3G/HD/SD-SDI all via 14 input sockets.
The PLS350-3G two frame layers offer background and foreground positions. With new quick frame functions, a foreground frame can quickly hide all other layers when necessary.
Custom output management gives a good fit for any display resolution, including LED walls and other non-standard formats.
This unit comes complete with Dual 8" Blackmagic preview screens housed within the flightcase.
The PLS350-3G can be operated from the front control panel as well as a laptop when combined with the user-friendly RCS2 intuitive Remote Control Software designed for the new Midra platform.
The RCS software allows easy creation of presets through drag and drop, up to 64 stored presets, Setup cloning and 3 independent sections: Setup, Edit and Live,
Compatable with Windows, Apple Mac and Linux. We also have Windows laptops and Apple MacBook Pro laptops available to hire should you require.
The rack includes a custom panel matching the design on all our other video racks. It allows for power in and out of the rack, and data from the built-in switch inside. You are also able to network all your laptops in video control together to easily transfer files and connect to the internet through the WAN socket on the rack.
- 8 Seamless inputs
- 2 Outputs (Program and Preview)
- 14 input plugs avalible (4x DVI-D, 4x HDMI, 4x Universial Analog & 2x 3G/HD/SD-SDI)
- Layer: Pan & Zoom resizing up to 100%
- Audio Top layer mode
- All audio inputs can be embedded or de-embedded on all plugs
- Blanced stereo audio on all outputs
- 2 S/PDIF inputs and 2 S/PDIF Outputs
- Chroma/Luma Key Titling
- 8 Memory Presets per output (64 via RCS2)
- 8 Full Frames
- 8 Logo Memories
- 1 Animated Logo
Product Details
0.31(h) x 0.52(w) x 0.41(d)
Input: Powercon
Output: Powercon
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